Happy Saturday!
Well I guess I can say I survived Get Drunk Friday! Hahahaha seriously, I feel perfectly fine which surprises me. I haven't had more than one or two drinks for a few months now and a couple times I had been hungover from just having a few beers. Thankfully all that is wrong with me right now is that I'm tired. Went to bed after 1 in the morning, and up at six...at least I had enough wits about me to set up the coffee maker last night.The kitties are driving me nuts this morning..Stash keeps peeking around corners at me and mewing, Jojo is following me and yappin' to me in kitty speak..then when I turn to pet her she runs..and oh is it funny to watch her run. You know how when you get a kitty fixed and they get old they have that saggy, hangin belly? Well she's got that and when she runs it sways and jiggles from side to side...It cracks me up.
Taz is being just his general lil dipshit self..getting into stuff, attacking the girls, and driving his human mama up the wall...wonder how much the chinese restaurant will give me for these furry lil bastards....HAHAHAHAHAHA!
7 comment(s):
probably not much as they can just pick up strays...but hell, worth a shot ;)
apositivepessimist, at
8:47 a.m.
I hear that China King (just up the street from where I live) is giving up to 5 bucks a pound for good cat.
lol, i feel just so sick now...
Kim, at
7:20 p.m.
Hi Sweetie!!! Glad you finally got into the new place. I so hate moving!!!
I'm going to add one to my. . .
"You Know You've Had Too Much To Drink" list. . .
Trying to light a ciggy with a beer bottle is a definate sign you are over the legal limit. . . LOL!!!
Hope all is well in the Toledo area. . . C'mon up to Motown one of these weekends!!
Lauren, at
7:49 p.m.
Congrats on surviving without having to pay a dear price! I should have had a Get Drunk Saturday. I could use it! Now I'm just tired so it doesnt' seem worth it.
BriteYellowGun, at
9:17 p.m.
i have thought about going to pound and getting a buddy for rocky..but i think he likes being an only cat...but would like to give an older cat a good home..but since rocky is not fixed he would just kick the shit out of it every day...so will wait i guess....bet your glad your moved..what a gigantic pain in the ass moving is..ugghghghghhg.
yellowdoggranny, at
11:07 p.m.
heehee via bm...thumb up on you girlie.
apositivepessimist, at
8:10 a.m.
hehe...who needs kids when you got those monsters running around...crazy cat lady!! *running from tornado, with all the cats in her arms, hair running wild and crazy, screaming, let me thru, pussy, comming thru* hehe
Anonymous, at
12:48 p.m.
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