Second day
So here arrives the second day in the new place. I'm starting to get used to it, and little by little I'm getting things unpacked and set up.We went looking for a desk last night..there were a few we really liked, but we decided to wait until the weekend to go to a few more stores and check out their selection. We don't want anything expensive..because we are bad with desks hahaha. We do need something stable enough to hold this big pig of a monitor (oh I wish for a nice flat screen).
Since I had helped my sister and brother in law out with stuff before and during the move she made an appointment for me at the hair salon she goes to. I went in with hair nearly down to my shoulder with yucky yellow frizzy ends and I came out with SHORT hair that was ALL completely my natural colour, it's like a medium ash blonde or something. Feels so weird to have short hair again...and now the yucky part of it? The style suits me, BUT I have to actually spend time styling it...ARGGGH I hate using products and a blow dryer...but I guess I didn't really specify that I wanted an easy care cut...oh well it'll grow out. I also promised myself not to mess with my hair more dying it different colours, then bleaching it back to blonde...that's why I screwed it up so bad in the first place.
Overall? I am actually happy with the way it looks...except right this moment (bed head)!
The kitties are getting more used to being here. The one that we thought we'd have the problem with was Stash...she took to this place like a fish to water. Jojo on the other hand yowled for about three straight hours and hid most of the day yesterday. She's out now bugging me and checking the place I'm happy about that. Taz was kind of freaked out for the first hour or so...but after that he was out here rubbing against everything and checking it all out. By the end of the first night he was back to attacking the two girls and just generally being a dip usual hahaha!
1 comment(s):
give em about 3-4 days and they will be like they have lived there forever....have you thought about making a desk? can use file cabinets ( cheap or get used ones) and get 4x8 plywood and cut into the sizes you need..easy peasy..
yellowdoggranny, at
10:39 p.m.
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