Oh no
I missed HAPPY HUMP DAY! Hahaha, actually I've been so busy the last few days it's not even funny. Thank god we've got a week or more to move all our stuff out. I haven't packed a single thing yet this week.Remember in another post I had talked about my brother in law's surgery? Well he's not allowed to drive yet, and not supposed to pick up anything heavy or really lift his arms above his head. So I've been driving him around everywhere he's gotta go, and helping to move small things over to their new house. Little by little things are getting done.
We got the one room emptied out at the place they're giving us, so today I can start taking some boxes down there so I have room to do more stuff around here.
I mean this place isn't exactly tiny, but it's too small for 2 people and 3 kitties...the layout is completely wrong so I've got boxes stacked in weird spaces which takes up even more room. Also the boxes stacked up around the kitchen table gives the kitties spots to hide behind and ambush each other...the devilish lil critters!
Now.. Tim Hortons has the Roll up the Rim to Win thing going on. When I was still living in Canada I never won anything more than a damned donut or cookie..I WANT A FREE COFFEE MOFO!!! I figured, I spent half my paychecks on their damned coffee..the least I want is a free coffee hahaha. But down here...oh my!!! In the last three weeks I've won not 1, not 2, not 3, but FOUR free coffee's! How's that for happiness? Yes I'm easy to please hahah! Sadly though, I had kinda gotten out of my Tim hortons addiction, but now it seems I'm finding a reason to get there at least once a week or more...hmm yup..highly addictive goodness!
Woke up in an extremely good mood..gettin my first coffee into me now...I'm happy as a pig in shit, and nearly ready to start my day!
5 comment(s):
If you get a chance, they're doing double surf credits on Blog Mad today until 3 PM CT.
Peaches says thank you! She knows she's a very cute and pretty girl. Mom tells her all the time. Spoiled cat!!!
May more free coffee come your way!!!
Cassandra, at
10:34 a.m.
Just surfed in with BlogMad. Love the blog. Had fun reading it.
tazfan, at
2:09 p.m.
lol, free coffee = bliss. I'm terribly jealous.
Beth, at
2:22 p.m.
i love the expression happier than a hog in shit...especially since that is also where i bury all the people i shoot...
yellowdoggranny, at
12:39 a.m.
so i had to go put the kettle on after reading this post.
apositivepessimist, at
5:13 a.m.
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