Where to go???
Alright..so I've mentioned that we're going on a road trip in April. Now I need help. We're just going to start out driving and just go wherever but we're hoping to make it to some of these States. Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, possibly Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, and W. Virginia.Does anyone know any really cool spots to go in any of these states? Places that would both appeal to the older (60 y/o) and younger? If we hit Florida, it'll be in the panhandle to possibly see my mother in law.
On the other hand we might even end up at the opposite side. I've got this huge fascination with going to Texas so we may end up driving out there...who knows.
I just can't wait to get on the road. Every day I'm getting more and more excited about this trip...moving seems much less stressful now that I've got something great to look forward to!
7 comment(s):
Oy! You can skip South Carolina! What a dump! LOL! But there's always "South of the Border" on the SC/NC border which will make you laugh. Virginia is beautiful, one of my favorite state. Both the mountains and the coast. Sounds like a really fun trip.
BriteYellowGun, at
11:12 a.m.
I really, need some cleaning hunks!!! Yes, the South Park epsiode was great! hehehe
So, do you still have blue hair or was that a past thing?
I think Mr. Gun is right, Viginia and the moutains would be beautiful. Texas is very flat and really, really large with tons of small hick towns in the middle of no where. At least up North, you can drive through more than a couple of states in one day. Not really so with Texas. It takes about a day to drive through it and can be longer depending upon what direction you travel. But you could always go visit Jackiesue and she could show you lots of cool things in the small town of West!!!
Cassandra, at
1:17 p.m.
i'm envious of your road trip. don't have any suggestions, never been out of New England.
i hope you have a wonderful, exciting trip.
Lisa, at
1:47 p.m.
Sorry, I'm useless unless you get to California.
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
3:00 p.m.
Qyalifying for Bristol was rained out, so they are going by last year's owner points. Tony gets the pole!
Cassandra, at
6:35 a.m.
If you come through East Tennessee, the American Museum of Science and Energy in Oak Ridge (near Knoxville) is a great record of the cold war (the uranium was produced at Oak Ridge which was a secret city). Also, Cades Cove in the foothills of the smokey mountains is a can't miss opportunity.
My Blog
Chris, at
1:57 p.m.
Well...TN is awesome! I live there....that's why it's great! LOL Have a nice trip!
Unknown, at
8:13 p.m.
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