Happy Hump Day
I never really got a chance to post yesterday. I was actually a good lil dork and did some packing. The only thing missing? Music!Mr. Taz decided to jump up on the desk in the middle of the night and knock the sub woofer to the floor. Heard a thump, but figured it was just the kitties running and jumping around, so I didn't come out to investigate.
We noticed that the sub woofer was missing off the desk yesterday morning...then found it on the floor under the desk. Man was the hub pissed...good thing the kitty ran and hid somewhere..the sneaky evil lil peckerhead! Haha, actually it's kind of funny now after the fact.
So last night we went to Staples and bought this speaker set...not a bad price and believe me, they work excellently...not as good as the last set we had but for $30, who can complain? Certainly not me..I've got my tunes back!
There's this Canadian artist named Holly McNarland..I absolutely love her music...especially her cover of Phil Collins song In The Air Tonight, that song sends shivers down my spine...or is it her voice...dunno. But it has that effect on me. Another three of my favourite songs by her are Numb, Mr 5 Minutes, and Elmo. Definitely some good chick rock! :)
So I've gotten a lot of stuff packed, but now I've got a shitload of garbage piling up around here..ugh I think I'll haul it off to the dumpster once I feel motivated enough to get dressed..haha I'm so lazy in the mornings..like to take my time waking up, drinking coffee, and fiddling around online. But the plus side to all this? I've only really got 2 more rooms to pack up...kitchen and the junk (the hub's old computer stuff n sports cards) in the laundry room.
Doing pretty good aren't I? Oh yeah...I rock! Hahaha.
Been in an excellent mood since last night...maybe it's the combination of last nights full moon, and this morning's sunshine. Or then again maybe it's the super good combination of cigarettes, coffee, and music. I just like feeling like this!
4 comment(s):
I've been listening to all these techno Chinese CD's that my other half brought back from Asia. They're really pretty cool. Not something I can sing along with but great background type music.
BriteYellowGun, at
9:27 a.m.
Can't pack without music!! It's unheard of!
Briteyellowgun, I love techno, but haven't heard Chinese techno... I wonder what it sounds like?
Anonymous, at
9:44 a.m.
A WMD cat strikes again!!!!
Cassandra, at
1:33 p.m.
i lean more towards the fags, coffee and music combo :)
enjoy the mood dorki!
apositivepessimist, at
9:25 p.m.
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