Wow (profanity filled post haha)
I actually feel like I've accomplished something today. It's amazing how emptying out most of a dresser and the junk drawers really makes a difference.Pretty much got everything in the bedroom packed away..just gotta deal with the garbage junk..toss it away and pack the good junk.
Taking a coffee and cig. break as I write...of course I cannot leave the poor computer all by itself while I'm off paying attention to something else. This little dear might think I don't love it anymore and let someone else stroke it's beautiful keyboard...haha!
Don't know why, but I can't get my mind off how much I dislike stupid people..ok not people that are a few transistors short of a sony if ya know what I mean...but people who lack common sense. Ugh it drives me nuts that these people are allowed to go on with their ways. Sometimes it's just disgustingly rude, or dangerous.
These are ways some of these people get on my nerves:
- Paying more attention to their oh so important cell phone call while driving. HANG THE FUCK UP AND DRIVE MOTHERFUCKER! Or pull off to the side of the road so that I don't have to watch you weaving back and forth across the line into my lane.
- People who yack away on their cell phones in public places...such as restaurants, and stores. I as well as many other people don't care who lied to you, what you had for dinner, or that nasty's none of our business and you should not broadcast your business...hang up til you get to a private place to talk.
- People who think the world owes them everything on a silver platter. Oh what? You're 37 years old, you REFUSE to work, you don't have small children at home and your elderly mother supports you! Get a job! What? You don't like dealing with customers? SO FUCKING WHAT!!! Most of the worlds populations don't like, oh they can't even stand dealing with some dumb fuck customers..but guess what..WE HAVE TO! Get over it and work for your own happiness...don't whine to me about your problems!
and last but not least...
- Intolerant, ignorant people who think they're always right. Yes, you know the ones who try to impose their beliefs or opinions onto everyone else and get angry when others don't agree with them. Give it a freakin' rest already. Not everyone is going to agree with certain opinions or beliefs...if someone doesn't agree with yours give it up and go find someone who believes as you do. Do not tell me I am wrong for what I believe in! So Screw you!
Well there's my rant for the day..don't know why this stuff has been bothering me all morning..makes me want to go out and hunt these people down and beat them with a big ol' stick! Might be fun..but don't wanna get in trouble..haha!
Time to go back to packing...ooh fun..well it is kinda fun Taz is keeping very well amused and occupied by dumping him out of every box I go to put something in...silly ass cat!
6 comment(s):
Yes, all of us seem to agree with you on your list of things that annoy you but if so many of us agree with you, why are there still so many out there that continue to offend? Congrats on the packing. You sound like you're accomplishing quite a bit!
BriteYellowGun, at
12:24 p.m.
hi there,
just happened to come across your blog and wanted to say i enjoyed it, and share your pet peeves, as well as your love for kitties- hubby and i have 2 that might as well be children!
Alli, at
3:18 p.m.
I couldnt agree more with your rant... I remebee when I was a cashier I hated when people came through the line on their phones, how rude can you be?
lilly, at
3:33 p.m.
Just recently found you and I totally agree with your peeves, every last one of them. I too wonder how it is that so many of us agree with you yet there are still so many offenders out there. Especially the cell phone deal. I hate them with a passion.
Cheyenne, at
4:05 p.m.
i dunno in a way we should be thankful for the fuckwits...i mean we might turn on each other if it weren't for them aye...LOL...mind you because there is a plethora of them we should be allowed to cull some of the oxygen thiefs without any retribution ;)
apositivepessimist, at
8:07 p.m.
Seen your comments on Babs and Apos's blogs and decided to come pay you a visit....You sound like my kinda person. The world is full of idiots. Most times I live and let live. Then I get in a mood where I just can't take it any more and rather than kill a few people I just get out the 'ole xanax bottle and get back under my rock,lol....
Linda, at
9:37 a.m.
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