New Template
Well I decided to change my template because, well..i love pinks, purples all those colours, but this one suits me better. I love country settings, I love plants, flowers etc, and most of all I love sitting on the porch..especially on a porch swing!
4 comment(s):
Looks nice!!! Denise does great on these templates!
Cassandra, at
7:52 p.m.
Oh thank god. That other pink was driving me a little batty. Okay. More batty.
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
8:33 p.m.
yeah that swing sure looks inviting.
ryc:...well hey they are pretty easy to do and on the cheaper side to make reckon the only bitch would be is the painting of them but if you have the steady hand and eye it be a nice chrissy and birthdee gift.
thanks fer stopping by ;)
apositivepessimist, at
10:47 p.m.
Very nice! I like it
mrshellonheels, at
11:34 a.m.
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