Monday morning blues
no more coffee which makes me sadGotta start packing...moving day less than a month away (so overwhelmed with this task it's not even funny).
I never truly realized (or is that realised?) how much stuff we do have. In the one year we've been married I think our knick knacks and other personal items have more than tripled (thanks mom) I'm faced with the task now of going through all of these things picking out stuff that we really want and need and tossing out the other.
I have serious *it's mine* issues I'll keep something just because it's mine and I want it...ugh ok shoot me already. For example. I have a whole makeup bag of old makeup from my brother's salon because it's mine and especially because it was mine when I was still in Canada...make sense? Does to me..but then my mind is strangely special so I guess I can make sense of anything pertaining to me. Oh well.
I'm so dreading this packing thing...moving is cool andfun..I just hate packing...oh geez! Will I survive until April 1st?
6 comment(s):
Oh I remember moving last year. Nothing reminds you of how much JUNK you have until time comes to pack it all. Ugh. Then you're reminded again when you have to unpack it and figure out where it all goes! Not fun. At all.
Heehee, I love how you put it, "my mind is strangely special so I guess I can make sense of anything pertaining to me". I can totally relate!
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
12:09 p.m.
I so understand not being able to throw stuff out for ANY reason..let alone moving! I don't envy you and I hate "packing" too....I just moved a lot of papers around...should have thrown out almost EVERYTHING..see, the "almost"??? But couldn't...and this was stuff from 10 years ago!, I soooo get your dilemma!
OldLady Of The Hills, at
3:13 p.m.
First, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I intended to get over here and say howdy before now. But, as you saw, I was a little busy with a pity party the last few days. Party over, still need to clean up the mess LOL!!
Damn, we're almost neighbors girl!!! It's 30 minutes to the OH border from here.
I moved to my new place almost 2 years ago. I have always been a pack rat, but I finally tossed out a lot of things that met one simple question. . . Have you used it in the last year? No? Out it goes. I had magazines back to the 80s!!! I was NOT going to move them to my nice new condo.
Family items are a little different. I have my mother's fine crystal packed away, waiting until my neice finishes college and sets out on her own in 3 more years. I have some other items from my childhood I will never part with. But, no more clutter!!!
Stop by often. I'm going to make my blog a little more pleasent to read. New day, new attitude, no more whining!!!
Lauren AKA: "The Motown Bitch!"
Lauren, at
5:40 p.m.
Are you moving far or just somewhere new in the same area? We will be moving to Atlanta once the house finally sells. I am so not looking forward to the work involved but I'll get through it. I always do.
BriteYellowGun, at
9:15 p.m.
i admit to being a junk monk too...altho having moved a few times in the last few years have narrowed down my possessions somewhat...not a lot but somewhat.
i hope to be a neighbour of yours within the year [kentucky] so i will be forced to pare down to barely nothing...basically just two suitcases.
apositivepessimist, at
10:54 p.m.
I hate throwing things away... You never know when you might need something! When I moved last June I hardly threw anything away at first, but I sure did have a lot garbage when I finished unpacking.
lilly, at
10:54 a.m.
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