** Note To anyone reading this? Please if my post confuses you please just ask...I get all fired up over something, my thoughts run about a million miles a second, and I have a tendency to confuse myself and screw up what I intended to say. This post is definitely not anti-gay, or anti-diversity. It is actually a rant about the extreme christian conservatives who are anti-gay. **Holy freakin' Hell...i was just surfin the 'net, not even really payingh attention to what sites I was really at and all that and I came across this . That site shows exactly why I'm sick of the human race sometimes.
I'm the type of person who lives and lets live. No, in this world, not everyone is going to like another group of people...thaty is their own opinion and they are entitled to it. Just because I'm not racist, or homophobic doesn't mean that someone else can't be. I just don't agree with hate crimes, at all..doesn't matter, but whether you dislike black people, or gay people gives you no right to hurt them emotionally, or physically.
Ok sorry, I went off on a little rant there. I myself was raised to understand and tolerate, and even embrace diversity, so obviously I don't think that gay people are bad, or wrong etc. But this site really disgusted me so thoroughly... Click on the link in the box where it says "Hear The Truth"
Sure sure the dudes voice is sooooo clear when he's describing what's being said on the tape but when he plays clips from the tape the voices are so crackly and garbled you can hardly hear it. So I this their way of trying to brainwash people into thinking that GSA's are brainwashing their kids? How can you decide when you can't even hear what is being said on the tape?
This websites whole anti *Gay Agenda* (btw where did these idiots come up with a term like Gay Agenda anyways?) thing makes me sick. Any of the gay people I know (which is oh maybe 90% of my friends,and even some family) are the same as many other people in their views on life. Live and let live, don't discriminate, treat others as you want to be treated...and so on. Some of my friends have kids, are they trying to turn their kids gay? NO, are they trying to keep their kids straight? NO! They are raising them to just be themselves and have respect for others and the way they live life.
So why are these christian conservatives making it seem like there is any agenda at all? No fcking clue, but it really bothers me that they are so bothered by the existance of diversity and the idea of tolerance of diversity.
2 comment(s):
I just wish people would learn to live and let live. It would be such a nice world if only people would mind their own business and let other people get on with their lives....
Linda, at
6:03 p.m.
i didn't go to the site.
as long as it's is love. no matter who it's between.
my way of thinking is the same as yours live and let live...from my early twenties my two closest male friends [they're brothers] are gay. i couldn't ask for two more funny, loyal, compassionate, giving, loving *me* friends. did i mention they are the funniest pair of wicked bitches i know. love 'em.
i actually feel sad in a way for those of the narrow minds...they are missing out on some truly exceptional people...but, then i think well fuck them they don't deserve to have the same privilege.
apositivepessimist, at
9:59 p.m.
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