So glad I woke up
Now I know we all have weird dreams once in a while, and sometimes more often. The dreams I remember are usually strange dreams for sure.So today I was sitting here looking for numbers for companies that do mobile home removal, and I'm getting super stressed because I know nothing about the size of the place...only that it's a 1969 Piece O Crap..err.. I mean Fleetwood, and no I don't know if it still has the axles or tires underneath...grrrr.
So I'm all stressed out cuz every place I call either quotes me a price over $1200, or won't tell me any price..i mean im just asking for a sort of estimate you know. Not like we're trying to perform brain surgery here.
Ok, the main point here is.. I was a bit stressed out, so I went and had a nap, and man was this dream weird. Never really got weird until shortly before I woke up I guess. Here's the dream.
My mom, her best friend, and I went on a little road trip to Louisville, KY, then onto Nashville, we're sitting in the room, and moms best friend (we'll just call her #2 from now on) is bored, as am I. We walk out of the hotel and start strolling around the city.
Seemed like this walk lasted hours, neither #2, or I were tired at all. We walked back to the hotel to see what mom was doing, and she wasn't bored..she was just sitting there crocheting and watching the news on tv. While we were sitting there a tornado warning had come on screen and we scrambled to try to get out of there.
We jumped on bikes (WTF?????) and started pedaling for our we ended up in the hell made it to Nashville on bikes (my mom has arthritis in like every damned joint in her body) is beyond me. So we're soaking wet, completely exhausted from the bike ride, and the first hotel we come across is a real hooty tooty 5 star hotel.
We walk in, get a room, and when we walked into the room all our s tuff was there (another WTF???). We clean up, and get ready to go for dinner. We walk down to the lil' cafe in the lobby and had to stand in lines like a bunch of school children.
So we're standing there, talking, and overhearing a bunch of spoiled, snobby types yabbering away on their cell phones or to their friends, and the first group is allowed in.
As we're walking into the little cafe I notice that EVERYTHING is so nice, pretty, and just plain expensive looking. We get to our table and in each place setting there is a card that says "Take your bowl over to the server and get your own food" (hahaha ok) So we grab our bowls, walk over to the lady who's serving what looks like soup from a nice big ceramic dish. The line finally gets shorter and shorter and it's my turn to get some goods.
I hand my bowl to the lady and she starts dishing up spaghetti-o's....(SPAGHETTI-O'S?? WTF!!! Ok, see told ya it was a weird dream).
While we're sitting there eating a couple dudes walk in and come sit with us, one of them happened to be Jeff Gordon (ok WTF!!!! I seriously hate this dude). He started telling me that I should eat more, that I'm too skinny, which in reality I certainly need to loose a helluva lot of weight not gain weight, and well that's when the phone rang and woke my ass up (thank you hub for saving me from my nightmare) HAHAHA!
So there ya have I sit shaking my head and chain smoking..trying to will away the memory of the dream....haha. Maybe my dreams tonight will be a little kinder to me :)
5 comment(s):
If Jeff Gordon was in your dream, that was not a dream it was a nightmare.
Cheyenne, at
11:56 p.m.
lol...what? you didn't start bitching about the serving of spaghetti-o's??
apositivepessimist, at
8:00 a.m.
Cheyenne...exactly..argh Musta been a nightmare eh haha.
and apos, no..that's what was weird about it...i didn't start bitching, until i woke up and bitched at myself for not only having jeff gordon in my dream (err nightmare) but also being served spaghetti-o's at a fine dining establishmment lol!!
Donna, at
9:03 a.m.
Oh and also GO JR!!!! Gosh he's hot..but then again so is Tony. Those are my two favourite drivers!
Donna, at
9:04 a.m.
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Anonymous, at
4:13 a.m.
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