I'm so excited...
and I just can't hide it!!!YIPPEE!!!!!!! Just found out that our move is approved by the park management, so my stress has come down BIGTIME!!!!!!
Another cool thing is my mother and her best friend are coming down to visit just after Easter and we're going on a wicked cool road trip!! We're going to try to make it to most of the south eastern states within a week's period! We've been wanting to do this road trip since I was a little kid and now we're finally going to! I can't wait.
So now that we're moving for sure I'm actually motivated to get more packing done..but I had to get on here and post something...might as well post good news eh!
5 comment(s):
"I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!"
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
2:54 p.m.
Oooh I love it when people have something exciting happen in their lives...a new house AND a road trip!!!!Sunny Days! Oh, and by the way.....that is most DEFINATELY not me on that picture! That is what I WISH I looked like *sigh* If you want to see what I REALLY look like go to my weight loss blog. My brother took this picture. I was asleep and my web cam was on...I posted it and just left it there...no sense publicising what a beached whale I am.hehehehe. I wish I was 200lbs too...can't see to get going long enough to make any dent in all this weight, tho....hugz, Linda
Linda, at
3:12 p.m.
Oh yippeee! We'll both be packing at the same time, I have about 5 weeks, how long do you have?
Wanna race?
BTW, thanks for renting the spot on my blog... I'll pimp ya out tomorrow!!
Amy, at
4:05 p.m.
congrats on the move and the roadtrip. good luck packing. it can be a real chore.
Lisa, at
4:49 p.m.
ooer cool beans...a road trip AND approval that must be a good lot off yer mind.
apositivepessimist, at
8:05 a.m.
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