At a loss
Yikes!So I haven't posted in a couple days..but to be honest..everytime I come here to write something my mind goes totally blank.
Not that I ever have anything super interesting to say but this is kinda like a personal diary for me that is public. And since I don't work, or have many friends in the area the stuff I write about my day to day life isn't exactly gossip worthy hahaha! But I like to write nonetheless.
I'm getting super excited about moving, even the hub is picking up on my excitement and he actually admitted that he was excited about it..WOW!
The in laws got their keys to their new house on Friday..they are not really supposed to move right in until next weekend but they are allowed to move in some of their stuff bit by bit. So in turn..once they empty out a room at the place we're moving into, we can move some of our boxes in...just so I have more room here to get stuff done.
I'm sure once we move in the kitties are gonna flip a biscuit for sure. The two older cats have been at this place for 11 years... im sure the smaller of the two is going to hide for a friggin week.
I'm sure the kitten will be just'll just be more room for him to drag his toys around and leave 'em on the floor to trip us up.
Well I guess it's time to do a lil more housework and stuff eh...BLECH!
6 comment(s):
Good afternoon! Stopping by through BlogMad.
Unknown, at
1:22 p.m.
i see your comments on other blogs and like what you say..u goofy...i would just as soon set all my shit on fire as to move again..ugh ..good luck
yellowdoggranny, at
7:43 p.m.
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yellowdoggranny, at
7:43 p.m.
If there's something I hate about moving is packing...actually unpacking as well. The fun part is finding things in your closet that you thought were lost for good. Oh so there's that blouse I wore in the third grade!
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
8:48 p.m.
lmao on cat with machine gun rofl!!
Wally Banners, at
9:50 p.m.
Love the cat! I have furry babies too! They are not as spoiled since I had the human one. But they still got it pretty darn good! Hope the move goes well. I might be getting ready to move myself. It will be for the better. But oh man, do I hate the actual moving part!!!!!
Anonymous, at
10:02 p.m.
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