Bad Bad Updater
Ok I'm sooo bad at updating this damn thing...things are gonna be pretty busy around here this maybe I'll have a longer, better post next time.We're not actually moving this weekend..we're going to move in a lot of our stuff throughout the week but we're waiting til all the utilities are switched over to the new place.
The kitties are driving me fuckin' bonkers. Taz decided he was going to do the *claw dance* on our feet at 6 am, in between attacking the ol girls..I finally had up and chased him behind something...he's such a devilish lil bugger! Why do I love kitties? I dunno...I must be nuts, but they do bring quality to my life.
Well here's a couple pics I took of Stash while she was sitting on my me the eye hahaha!!

4 comment(s):
aww...what a cutie.
Lisa, at
12:43 p.m.
Pretty kitty!!! :)
Unknown, at
3:33 p.m.
im scooting thru blog mad and all of a sudden i go..hey..i know that howdy...
yellowdoggranny, at
12:40 a.m.
That cat looks.... I don't know, is "evil" too strong a word?
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
12:50 p.m.
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