Iiiiiit's Mondaaaaaay!!!
I would like to know why the thunderstorms blow through here so quickly.I remember some thunderstorms back home lasting at least an hour a lot of times with a ton of thunder and lightning. Everytime we get a line of storms that is severe south west of us we just get the piddly ass end of it. Yeah ok, I'm glad we haven't gotten any severe weather yet, you know crappin me pants is not my idea of a good time...but more than 20 minutes with only a few lightning strikes and rumbles of thunder isn't all that exciting either.
I WANT a damned good thunderstorm!!!
The picture I posted up for yesterday was supposed to be animated but it wasn't showing up that way..so I uploaded the pic to photobucket and got it working that way. Glad some people got a kick out of it. I know I can't help but chuckle at some of the cheesy shit I see online, and believe me..I am easily amused by very many things..especially the cheesy/dorky kinda stuff.
Well I'm off to drink some lovely coffee. I treated myself to a bottle of that Coffee mate french vanilla creamer...my in laws got me hooked on it... I usually treat myself to a lil carton of half and half cream, but noo I had to get on the good stuff... oh the horrors!!!
6 comment(s):
I hope you get a good thunderstorm. Me, I hate thunder storms. I could go for yw\ears without one.
Dr.John, at
8:54 a.m.
Hi! I came through Blog Mad and I love your blog!!! hehehehehe
Yep, I love thunderstorms. Wish we would have some!!!
That picture is funny!!!
Cassandra, at
3:00 p.m.
I love thunderstorms too. And that crazed, machine gun wielding cat is hilarious!!
Tanya, at
4:51 a.m.
about to get a doozy of a storm here i think. which sucks because i have to stop pleasuring myself with the internet.
via bm this time ;)
apositivepessimist, at
12:45 a.m.
Don't know much about thunderstorms but I will give you my favorite seasoning combo. I like cumin with rosemary. I use a lot of thyme too.
Jim Big Toe, at
11:25 a.m.
Gahd....I so miss thunderstorms. We don't get them in San Francisco. :(
Anonymous, at
3:39 p.m.
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