to you
Ok, first off let me begin by saying that I may not have the gift of communicating my thoughts and idea's verbally as many others..but that in no way means I am unintelligent or stupid. It's just that I have about a gazillion thoughts spinning through my mind at any moment...another thing is that i am VERY observant. You might not think so. You probably didn't think so last night while standing in line at mr freeze. Yup I SAW that. So, you don't want us (or specifically me) to attend your graduation or know your graduation date? Well instead of mouthing/whispering and then pointing over your shoulder at me...why don't you just get it out of the way and tell me you don't want me there...tell me you don't like me. Like it or not, i am part of this family now. I really don't care what you or anyone else thinks of me. Even though I love you and your family as much as my own.I may not have graduated high school, or have aspirations of going to college...I am not the academic type. I just want to live my life as happily as I can, and I don't need people to pretend to like me just because they feel they have to. I do NOT play stupid, silly games like that. I am more mature than to stoop down to playing those stupid little games.
Now if I totally misunderstood the whole thing, then I am the one took look like an asshole and I'd deserve to...but if not...then just get it off your chest...tell me you don't like me, or don't want me around and I'll keep myself away, I can't stand being around people who are being nice just because!!!
I know you didn't like me at first because of the whole age difference thing, but that in no way shows what kind of person I am. That does not mean that I don't have a brain, or can't think, or see. You really have no idea what kind of person I am, the things I've seen or dealt with in my life. So next time please be a little more discreet when pointing at someone...whether it be from the front or the back...because it CAN be seen!!!!
5 comment(s):
well, i happen to know your one of the most, empathetic, caring, intelligent people out there, and if they cant see that, than its their loss. You have done nothing but love your husband, and make it work. I tell people all the time, that girl, she is an in the closet intellectual...smarter than the average bear...she just doesnt feel the need to flaunt it and be are more educated and smarter than most of them out their m'dear, and i know if i want a good, unbiased opinion, i can come to you. we love you for being you, and apprieciate all the goodness you ahve to offer...cuz if anyone can make me smile, its my dorkilicious friend...and thats more important than having a degree in my u girl...
Anonymous, at
12:53 p.m.
Oh, I hate that shit! I HATE people pretending to like me (or someone else)! "Grow some balls and tell me you don't like me....I pretty much know it anyways! Odds are that the feeling is mutual!"
Screw 'em, Donna!
Anonymous, at
4:02 p.m.
Fuck 'em.
Don't keep your fingers crossed for my blogs, I don't want you to lose circulation to them. I don't think Blogger tech support is in any big rush to fix my blogs, if they can. Fuckers.
Cassandra, at
6:30 p.m.
ditto what babs im willing to come there and cosmic bip them into a coma..
your a sweet nice funny person who i like babs said..fuckem
yellowdoggranny, at
10:35 p.m.
What? What's wrong with people?? If you MUST gossip like a bunch of frickin junior high girls, have the decency to NOT point and look in the direction of the victim. It makes you look like the morons you really are.
Cosmic bipping... is that painful? I hope so!
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
11:30 p.m.
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