the ice cream truck...
must DIE!It just went by playin that stupid cirusy sounding music, Now all I've got going through my head is "Do your balls hang low, do they wobble to and fro."
/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL:*/
5 comment(s):
can you tie em in a know, can you tie 'em in a bow...tee hee...i think of old men and ice cream trucks...haha how bad is that...
Anonymous, at
8:04 p.m.
the one from my ice-cream truck years used to play "greensleeves"...thankfully we don't have one around here. yet.
ryc:...yeah they are mine. you can see how easily amused i am huh ;)
apositivepessimist, at
9:02 p.m.
Hey RUA i love the sound of a ice cream truck.One time my sister
asked me to let her know when
the ice cream truck came.
Make a long story short i
was mad at her and i let it
pass by,she beat with a broom.
But i'm okay now.Ah childhood
Michele, at
9:16 p.m.
damn..remember chasing down the icecream truck with my dime clutched in my sweaty little hand...a dime...can you image...they are $2 now..and if you didn't have a dime he would let it ride till the next trip...ahhhhhh
yellowdoggranny, at
1:07 a.m.
Heh. The ice cream truck here plays that damn annoying song, too. :P
Anonymous, at
1:54 p.m.
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