At this moment of time..I fucking HATE Vonage! Sad thing I can't even connect to the internet when I unplug my cable modem from the vonage router and just plug it back into my computer.I wonder if perhaps it's something to do with the piece of shit motorola routers they send out...i mean my cable modem is a motorola, but im sure there wouldn't be product conflicts with two products from the same company??? I don't know but I am so seriously pissed off right now.
I've been on the phone to Vonage tech support FOUR GOD DAMNED TIMES, and do you think that even ONE of those times I was able to speak to someone whose first language was English? HELL NO...god dammit I'm so fired up right now it's not even funny. Right now I'm about ready to take each and every single electronic device we have here, out into the driveway and then smash it to bits n pieces with a big fucking sledgehammer...ARGHHH!!
On that note...I need a cigarette...stupid fuckin vonage....
5 comment(s):
Hi there! Thanks for the comment on my blog, apologies that it took so long to respond to you, i hope you do get to check out that film, you'll never be the same again! Though i do hear that it is hard to aquire in the US. I like your site, and the crazy avatar! I shall link you ASAP.
Astronaut, at
2:42 p.m.
Cut your losses and give Vonage the boot now. This is the way they operate. . . Get a Verizon account and you'll have ZERO problems. . . I've been with them since they were called "Air Touch Cellular"
Lauren, at
8:27 p.m.
when i had aol..i would get so crazy talking to their tech support people..they were either in india, bali or bumfuck egypt...after talking to this guy from india for so long saying'what?, excuse me can you repeat that, to cant you speak better english than that? i finally got pissed and told them in i was going to have to talk to an indian..could i at least have one that wore feathers and not a dot on their forehead..
give em hell..and drop them..
yellowdoggranny, at
10:58 p.m.
I have SWbell phone and DSL, no problems.
Cassandra, at
2:52 a.m.
no no no. don't be wasting yer anger on them things. go visit that family member that hurt your feelings the other day.
apositivepessimist, at
4:51 a.m.
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