Hmm, you don't say, eh?
Sheesh, that whole phone not working thing has really put me on the edge of insanity the last few days. I am so not a phone person, BUT just knowing it wasn't working was getting to me really bad. We got it working last night...found the booklet that came with the voice terminal and hooked it up in the exact sequence as in the booklet and it's been working since.I tweaked my template a bit..I didn't really like the right sidebar so I moved the stuff from that into the left and made my text box a bit's suiting me so much better now. Gosh I've got great copy and pasting skills eh!
I swear some people are either just RUDE, or completely clueless.
We went out for dinner last night and while Mr. Man was finishing his beer I was starting to get whiny because I was tired. Yes when I'm tired or hungry I get whiny..that's about the only time.
So we stop to get him some beer, and a tim hortons coffee for myself. I had planned on just coming home and vegging on the couch in front of the tv.
Our friend from across the street came over. She knew I was tired, heck I was even in my jammies and she sat on MY COUCH (my bed) and she would not fucking move no matter how many times I hinted that I wanted to lay down.
Finally when she got up to grab a beer I told her to sit on the other was MY bedtime and I wanted to stretch out...she got snarky and said something along the lines of "What do you mean it's bedtime, it's ONLY 11:30" and I said "Well lucky for you, you get to sleep in til 11 or whenever you want to get up..I don't have that luxury. So I don't know if this bitch is just plain rude or clueless but it was pissing me off to the point that I was so tired I became wide awake, but then I was just plain cranky!!
I haven't found my *rude bone* yet otherwise I'd have told her to leave. I know my husband is a blunt, sometimes rude dude, so I figured he'd tell her. He finally mentioned that he was about to go to bed and she still didn't leave for another 20 minutes after that.
Needless to say I never got to sleep til close to 2 A.M.
WHO fucking does that? If I stop by someone's house, or have been there for the day, and I see that they are tired, or ready for bed I leave without even being asked to. That's just common courtesy, dontcha think? Sometimes I hate people. Stupid rude people!
With this chick it's getting to the point where I'm about to cut off contact with her again. I did before because I was pissed at her always being around, then leaving me in the dust whenever her ignorant, rude, stupid abusive boyfriend came around..even if we had solid plans. I refuse to be someone's second rate friend!
I don't see the point in having people like that around. Half the time I feel she only hangs around so she may hit the pipe. Well sorry, if ya wanna your own damned greens! When she does buy..she hoards it. I'm about sick of her shit again already. She's the type that thinks the world owes her something, yet she does nothing to try to better herself or her life. She wants to just spread her legs in hopes of some dude supporting her ass, yet she keeps picking up alcoholic losers who can't keep a job.
Any decent dude she meets is so turned off by how much of a loser she I guess she's just fucked. I can handle losers, just not fucked in the head, rude, STUPID, crackhead losers! I don't need that in my life whatsoever!
8 comment(s):
Hell, I'm pissed at her just reading about it!!
Yes chub, when referring to hamburger meat, is a turn off. But I got out the knife and divided it up into patties. The chub is no more. :)
Cassandra, at
12:28 p.m.
uh...donna...that chick aint your friend...really ...she is just bored and needs somthing to pass the time until something better comes dont take any shit off of her...
damn..i need to give fuck off lessons..
when she knocked and you opened the door you should have said..'sorry, we're getting ready to go to bed'.....shut door...peaceful night..if she tried to come in anyhow..bip the shit out of her...lesson one...
yellowdoggranny, at
10:24 p.m.
What an ass.Last time i tweaked
my template it disappeared.
I'm afraid to add and i'm
afraid to take away.I'm in
a catch 22.
Michele, at
11:06 p.m.
As soon as I read "She got up to grab a beer" the picture was pretty clear. I'm guessing she didn't bring any with her. "Sharing the pipe" just confirmed what I already knew. . .
Tell the loser bitch to hit the bricks. . .
Ann Landers' bitchy sister. . . . LOL!!
Lauren, at
11:44 p.m.
I gave you a thumbs up on BM earlier!
The one cat checked out all the new plants very carefully and decided none were to his liking. Yeah!
Esad had an stage diving accident but is ok. It's on my NASCAR blog. Happened on Trackside tonight. Scary.
Cassandra, at
12:53 a.m.
OMG I totally hate that shit. Like. Get. A. Hint.
Next time just say "I'm going to bed now. So, I'll call you tomorrow, k?"
I'm so rude but blunt.
Lisa, at
11:08 p.m.
BTW...template looks so much better but I'm feeling this creative urge to like make a template for you...but I have to finish decorating my house first or I'll end up in divorce court. Mr. RB has been on my ass for the past 5 years.
Lisa, at
11:10 p.m.
Nothing worse than being [or feeling] used DD [Dorki Donna] is there.
Something tells me it won't be long before you have your gut-full of this part-time friend. Meh if you were to tell her to piss off do you reckon you would miss her scintillating conversations and her leech like tendencies...Nope, didn't reckon you would.
apositivepessimist, at
5:00 a.m.
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