/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Whatta Day

Hi Folks...long time no see...pffft!

Well my vonage voice adapter box thingy was giving me problems today. The husband fixed these problems just over a month ago then the problem just decided "Well fuck those humans, this robotic piece of equipment has a mind of it's own". It just completely started going wonky on me again.

It wouldn't have been so much a problem if it was just the phone going out, but oh hell no, it had to take the internet connection down with it. What's a girl to do?

This is the way it goes...when Vonage sends you the package it comes with the voice adapter box which looks quite like your cable modem. So you have to unplug your cable modem from the back of your computer. Next step is you plug the voice adapter box into your computer, then plug the cable modem into the voice adapter. So far so good right? Well in most cases that would be right. I mean obviously you would have to plug in all the power cords, but that's besides the point.

When we first got hooked up with Vonage we had shady service. It would work on and off at various points throughout the day. That so much wasn't the problem. The problem was the fact that since the cable modem was plugged into the vonage box instead of the computer it was giving me NO connection at all to the internet. THAT JUST SUCKS!

So the husband came home tonight to me frantically plugging and unplugging everything, switching around cords and so on and he tried. It started working again, but not for long. GRRR! So frustrating. Since we don't have a cell phone we can't exactly call up tech support right.

So here I am having major internet withdrawls. No seriously..I can go without internet if we don't have it, or if it's by my choice of just not getting online..but if some stupid non-working little black box is blocking me from it..WATCH OUT VONAGE ADAPTER.

I proceeded to turn off the computer, and unplugged the modem, adapter etc. Then I plugged only the cable modem back into the computer and restarted it..OH GLORIOUS INTERNET. My fingers felt as if they were downloading an orgasm from heaven itself. I've got internet again! Ahhh ok time to smoke that much needed cigarette. Pure bliss!

Needless to say we've got no phone, but I'm sure as hell happy....hmm internet addiction? I guess so, and proud of it!

7 comment(s):

Must have internet... must have internet...
What? We are not addicted. :)

By Blogger Cassandra, at 6:29 a.m.  

No internet is like a day without
sunshine,been there done that.
Hey donna i'm still on dial up
oh the humanity!

By Blogger Michele, at 11:14 a.m.  

Hey I don't mind dial up until I'm about to download a huge file and it takes all damned day w/ phone interruptions etc.

By Blogger Donna, at 12:14 p.m.  

Yep, love my George. I can't use the oven here in summer because it's just pointless in a 700 sy ft apartment with it being 90-100+ degrees outside. It's hard enough for my a/c to keep up. So, the George is my summer savior.
Well, I can use the oven in the middle of the night in the summer, but that's it.

By Blogger Cassandra, at 12:54 p.m.  

Its funny you brought this up as i'm just learing about at this stuff at my new job (BTW, that thingy is a MTA - media terminal adapter) Anyways, after all i learned about digital phone service i would never get it.

By Blogger Johnny Wadd, at 11:38 p.m.  

i twitch..my right eye flicks back and forth...my head bobbles....no im not coming down off drugs..im with out my internet...yup..i know the feeling..had to go to the library for the longest time, till i got my puter fixed...i wept when i got it back on...

By Blogger yellowdoggranny, at 1:52 a.m.  

i hear ya. fortunately my connections been pretty good even for dial up. but i do remember living out of town and being totally rooted with intermittent internet service out there...it was the pits.

yep i agree as long as the place is neat and as nice as you can make it...it don't really matter what it's made of...as long as it's home and contains what and who you love. hell the LFB and i are headed for cardboard boxes so a doublewide would seem like a mansion.

By Blogger apositivepessimist, at 9:30 a.m.  

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