It's that time.
Well It's that time of year, where I will hate being inside. It's only about 53 degrees outside, but there is no wind, the sun is shining and it's comfortable just being out there in my jeans and t shirt. Oh yeah I love the spring and summer mornings!My favorite spot is out on the back porch, sitting in my lil cheapie patio chair drinkin my coffee and smoking my cigs. Most of my neighbours can see my fabulous hairstyle (bedhead supreme). I'm just not one of those people who gets up and gets dressed up and done up (hair, makeup done) just to do housework or to sit around the house.
I've never been much of a makeup person anyways... When I worked at an office yeah my hair and makeup was done..but at a gas station, convenience store, or to sit around home...fuck that..ain't putting the time or effort in just to make my ugly mug more bearable for people to look at..hahaha!!
The other day when I was unpacking a box of stuff I came across the photo album that my sister in law made for us for's plastic canvas and it has a dark haired dude, blonde haired girl snuggling on a bench and it says memories...cute eh. Well what I never noticed before was that the front inside cover has both our first names, then the back inside cover has our last name. Awwww how sweet. Funny how I never noticed that when we opened it at Christmas. I'm usually the type of person to look at EVERY inch of a gift because I just love getting homemade stuff, and this is the one time I didn't look. My heart melted when I saw that it was completely personalized for us.
Now I doubt we'll ever have kids (wait, the kitties are our kids, right? Right!)...but I will be damned sure to fill that album up with pics of us, other family members, and the kitties for sure. I'm going to treasure that photo album until the day I die!
Do any of you have a gift, or special little item that you treasure, and hold close to your heart? If so tell me. I love hearing about other people's treasured items, and who it was from etc. :) Have yourselves a good day. I sure will.
2 comment(s):
i love my kitties too. they're better than kids...I don't care what ANYONE says!!! :D
Webmiztris, at
7:49 p.m.
My most treasured item is the last letter I received from my great-grandmother before she passed away. Love that letter - get teary eyed every time I read it!
As far as makeup and doing my hair - screw it! Only when I really, really, really, need to. Like you, out on the deck in PJ's, bed hair and a cuppa. No one likes it - to friggin bad!
Anonymous, at
11:28 p.m.
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