/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Friday, October 27, 2006

Just yip yap!

Shit, I just noticed my last post was almost a month ago. What's wrong with me? Ahh I guess I'm just a bad net addict.

I got a job finally, and now I'll be going onto my third week there...gee I really wonder how much longer I'll last. Three months is usually about all I can take of working at these stupid coffee shops, but on the upside of this place is that the bosses don't get mad at you if you have a little hissy fit and walk off the floor to calm down.

Alrighty then..well remember my last post I was looking forward to Thanksgiving? Well it came and went, and holy hell did mom cook the best Thanksgiving dinner EVER! To top it off? No snow.
Now we're really getting into the iffy weather time of year. A couple weeks ago we had a bit of snow..and a few days this week we've had a few days of rain and snow mixed, and it's fucking cold! I'm already wearing my winter jacket. Brrrrr!

I have a really cool blogger template that was made by Elyse over at eStudio, that I haven't had a chance to put on here yet. She made it for me a while back but since I don't always have a chance to get online, you're still going to see the same old blue waves.
I'm seriously telling you that if you need a fresh look for your blog, you definitely need to head straight over to eStudio and put in an order. She rocks!

I doubt anyone will know that I've put an entry up, but if any of you still check for updates just know that I will be back online soon enough. Now that I'm working I hope to get a computer but, my main priority is either getting my car fixed up enough to pass the safety inspections and emissions test, or there's a couple other cars my dad has seen that might suit my needs. Really, all I need is just something that is in good enough shape for me to drive the fuck out of it. Hahaha.
Seriously..I love to drive so as long as the car isn't a junkbox and runs decently I'm cool with it. I just need to get back and forth to work, and to boot around town or maybe make a trip or two to Ohio in it.

Now on a sad note, please go give some love to Babs over at How To Go Insane. Her adorable kitty Franky passed on the other day, he will be missed much, but I know he's up in kitty heaven all healthy and frolicking with all the other kitties. Don't be sad Babs...just think of how he won't suffer anymore, also you gave him the best last years a pusser could have. Be strong girl!

Well time for me to go, I've got a couple more days off, and I've got stuff to do. I'm staying at the cottage with Marc and BooBoo, so I'm just waiting for their lazy asses to wake up. Have a great weekend everyone, and take 'er sleazy!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Turkey Turkey, Yum yum yum

Good morning, good morning..lalalala.
Another nice sunny (but cold) morning in Orillia, Ontario.

Fuck does it ever get cold early up here..and we're really not all that far north. Imagine that. I betcha in a week or two we'll have some snow flurries flying around. Also next weekend is our Thanksgiving up here. The American thanksgiving just seems to be too late. I guess it's just because all my life I've had thanksgiving in October..not near the end of November, so last year it seemed weird.
During thanksgiving up here the trees are all starting to change colours and all that good stuff, and the temperature isn't yet cold, just nice and chilly. I think it's just great. Cold enough to get pink in the face and see your breath in the air, but then you come inside where there's a good fire burning in the wood stove, and a nice big turkey and all the fixins on the table just begging to be eaten. I love the Canadian Thanksgiving.
No, I really don't have Thanksgiving on the mind...not at all, considering that it's coming up.
I'm a turkey monger. My mom cooks turkeys the BEST turkey, and I swear I eat turkey the whole damned week. Hot turkey dinners, and cold turkey sandwiches...all I can say is this: YUM!

So, onto other things... The Mr., and I are talking again. We're going to try to work through things. I'm not holding any expectations with this, but if we can work it out that would be great.
I am also not going to jump back into it blindly if I go back.
I'll be trying to save money, and getting back to the states legally so I can work while I'm there, and not feel so trapped.

I've got to run, but when I get going on my own computer I'll be able to update this more often and visit your sites (which I miss doing), so have a good day.