/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Wow what a great day it has been.
I don't normally give out a lot of details about my personal life or family. Sometimes I do, but it usually depends on my mood. Today I'm in an excellent mood.

I have six sisters, and two brothers. The sisters and one brother are from my dad's previous marriage. My other brother is from my mom's previous marriage.
About 19 years ago, T (brother from dad) was in a rotten situation, he was pushed into a situation where he had to defend himself, and two people lost their lives in the process. Now before you start screaming bloody murder, let me explain. My dad's ex wife had a lot of psycho nutjobs in her family, her brother was the worst one of the bunch. He and his girlfriend (and yes even T) were into some heavy duty drugs at the time. T, let them live with him because they had nowhere else to go. Bad shit happened, things got stolen, broken, bad fight broke out and the deed was done.

Over the years T has gone through a lot of shit. 18 years in jail. Most of it was in minimum security thankfully. He has gone through so much, especially over the past 6 years. He has kicked a nasty drug habit, and pretty much turned himself around. It took a long time for all of us to truly believe that he was changing things for good, but we do believe it, we believe in him.

Today was the day that T got to regain his freedom. Today, after 19 years I got to see T truly smile.
He's going to be staying in a halfway house for a while, but it will give him a chance to get used to being on the outside.
Congratulations dude, we ALL are so proud of you for turning things around, and we love you lots and lots!

1 comment(s):

Whoa that's a shitload of birthdays to remember there Dorki.

Well done to yer brother T...I hope life is what he wants it to be now.

By Blogger apositivepessimist, at 8:10 p.m.  

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