Newest Renter/Vonage Update
Welcome nonsensical flounderings as my newest renter this week. I must say that this blog is one of my personal favourites. Not too light, not too serious...the perfect balance for my dorky mind. So Click NOW and enjoy!Also to anyone else who bid...please try again next's sad that I can only pick one per week.
Alright...I take back my rant about Vonage yesterday. It wasn't the service that was bad, but it was OUR computer that was to fault.
The hub spent the better part of last night fiddling with settings and different programs on the computer and it turns out that some of the programs running in the background and the settings were blocking not only the vonage, but a good part of our actual internet connection.
I'm really not sure exactly what it was because I've gotten out of the loop of messing with the computer since I've been lucky enough to not have many major computer problems in the last three years. Boy, am I glad he got it running.
I actually spoke to someone for the better part of an hour last night without losing the call, or my internet connection...YESSS!!
So've got one happy dork on your hands!!!
9 comment(s):
Glad you got it all worked out!!!
I kinda like Nitwit's idea about people stalking that guys page. Like going to sleep and leaving the computer open to his page. He has blocked me from his page, but if you get bored, it's
Cassandra, at
9:35 a.m.
Ya, my Dad doesn't seem 75 to me either. He certainly doesn't act it. He acts more like a kid. And stubborn... but I can usually beat him at the stubborn game. I learned from the best.
Thanks for your thoughts!!!
Cassandra, at
1:33 p.m.
glad you got it all worked out...but isnt it fun being able to scream/rant and just flip out for awhile?
yellowdoggranny, at
2:07 a.m.
Philodendrons are awesome and hard to kill!!
I love rose bushes! They are so pretty!! Enjoy those puppies!
Cassandra, at
1:41 p.m.
Been wanting to try vonage! Glad to read all this.
btw-tnx for the comments in my blog. I like it here and will be visiting often :-)
Dont be a stranger!
MJ Tam, at
8:06 p.m.
Happy Easter to you and your furbabies!
Mom on the Run, at
2:48 p.m.
Congrats on getting it to work! :) Happy Easter!
Anonymous, at
2:00 a.m.
Congrats on getting it to work! :) Happy Easter!
Anonymous, at
2:00 a.m.
G'mornin' neighbor!! Glad you got things working. I hope you have better luck with Vonage than the local reporter did.
It's been pretty quiet this weekend. I like that. Just watched the Busch race yesterday and will be heading up to Dad's place in a couple of hours. Not looking forward to being around the "Step-Monster" all day. . . GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!
Stop by when ya get a minute!!
Lauren, at
8:47 a.m.
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