Enjoying the weekend
Well we have been busy pickling ourselves from the inside out with good ice cold Budweiser, and having fun while at it. It's hot,sunny, and two decks just craving our attention.While everyone enjoys this long weekend...please do not ever forget the reason behind this holiday weekend!
5 comment(s):
Glad you are enjoying your weekend!!
I love when kitties talk. I always answer them. I figure they are asking me something. Don't know what, but I should answer!
If I found $10, I would think, "oh cool." But my neighbors cat is soooooo sweet and I love being greeted by her. Or even better, my own little ones. That's longer lasting happiness.
Cassandra, at
2:21 p.m.
Donna have a safe and happy
Memorial Day.
Michele, at
4:05 p.m.
wear long tshirt and shorts...happy happy joy joy
yellowdoggranny, at
8:03 p.m.
Do you think that vodka and http://www.nakedjuice.com/main.html< might be a bad combo? Like it's a health juice with alcohol...m'k?
Lisa, at
11:14 p.m.
Hmm no, sounds like a good combo..health plus alcohol? oh yeah..haha Well I'm sure the alcohol added wouldn't be too good..but what the hell eh? :)
Donna, at
12:11 a.m.
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