Introducing ( a few days late OOPS)
Cat from Living with Multiple Personalities. Cat is a great lady who posts a lot about her experiences of living with , well Living with Multiple Personalities. She's pretty awesome! Also she is reviewing Bloggers Blends coffee, and she's posting her reviews on her go on over and check her out!How did you all enjoy your long weekend? Did you do anything fun or special? Us just like the previous post..pickled ourselves with beer, then yesterday did the family thing over at the in laws.
It was one of my most enjoyable long weekends in years, except for the part where I realized I had a big pack of horse treats to roll and bake. I scrambled to get them done by this morning when my sister in law was coming to pick them up. It's a pain in the ass sometimes, but she works a lot of hours, so I help her out with it keeps me from getting too bored around here. Can only play with the kitties so much before we all putter out and have a nap!
2 comment(s):
sounds like fun..except for the part about horse treats...?????and exactly what are horse treats...i make the dogs home made it like that..?
yellowdoggranny, at
11:54 a.m.
Hi donna,i enjoyed myself
a little too much.Feeling ickey.
Sometimes i just don't know how
to say no to the next drink.
Michele, at
4:29 p.m.
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