Offended? K, Bite me!
Well no, I haven't offended anyone recently, but that's kinda besides the point.I'm just wondering a couple things.
First of all is, why do people think the world owes them everything on a silver platter? Either you work hard to live and get what you want out of life, or you don't work and don't get the good stuff. Either way it's your choice...nobody elses.
Second thing I'm wondering about is why people get bent so out of shape because they find something offensive, or are offended by someone elses opinions, or views on things? Do people sit around all the time just watching, just waiting to see or hear something that offends them so that they can fly off their rocker and act all righteous and throw a hissy fit about it?
I'm just curious about this stuff because I am very rarely offended by something unless it is directed right at me.
I'm a fat chick, but I am not offended by people making fun of overweight people, why? Because they were not pointing at me and laughing and saying "hey fatty fatty two by four" you know what I mean?
I'm a blonde (yes natural blonde haha), but I'm not offended by the blonde jokes, simply because I know I am a smart blonde (nah I'm no golden retriever).
I live in a mobile home, but I'm not offended by peopler making fun of trailer trash because even though I do live in a trailer, I am not trash. Hey it's a cheap place to live..why not right?
I know that you can't change someone's opinion on something, or change everything in the world. I just laugh when people make mountains out of molehills just to try to shut someone up, or to change someone's views and opinions because they don't suit everybody. Hell, this would be an awfully boring world if everyone had the same views, opinions, sense of humour, morals , and so on.
If you don't like something, or someone...just move on and get over it. Took me a few years to realize this myself, hey I think we were all teenage "I'm gonna save the world" type of people at one time, but eventually it's time to grow up and realize that if you don't take care of yourself, and your own that nobody else is going to, or care for that matter.
That may be a harsh way of looking at things, but it works for me, and keeps me from blowing my temper over every little thing, or crawling into a hole and staying there for that matter. Life does go on...and on.
14 comment(s):
Keep voting, it looks like your votes are counting and then it refreshes suddenly and shows like 50 more votes. Since I've been voting, Elliott has gone up 2%. Need to run some errands and then I'll be back to fight this battle!!!
Cassandra, at
3:21 p.m.
Well said!! I love it!! Thanks for stopping by my place. visit any time.
Chana, at
4:59 p.m.
Thanks for leaving a comment on Mom's site about my brother, Cole. If you like stories about pooches..visit us!
Chana, at
5:01 p.m.
Hi r.u.a,i wasn't the type of
who believed that i could save
the world,i was too busy
saving myself.
You know from bullies,
parents and peer pressure.
Michele, at
5:24 p.m.
I'm clicking away too!!!
Cassandra, at
6:48 p.m.
Amen, sister!
Cheyenne, at
6:58 p.m.
it kinda tickles the tits off me on what some people DO get offended about...but i guess it’s like what’s one mans trash is one man’s treasure.
ookay where WAS i going with that...
apositivepessimist, at
3:19 a.m.
Stopping by way of bm,i see
i been here before.
Just saying howdy r.u.a.
Michele, at
5:26 p.m.
I think we lost in the Esad battle. I'll drown my sorrows in a bag of peanut M&M's. Well, maybe tomorrow when I go to the grocery store I will...
Good post by the way!!!
Cassandra, at
7:12 p.m.
Don't worry too much about Jarret. Inside sources on my NASCAR blog informed me there is someone that has the ability to add 200,000 votes and he is out to make sure DJ wins the whole contest. Who would vote for Kurt??? Ick!!
Cassandra, at
9:24 p.m.
stupidity offends me...that and people who get offended by me being offended by them..fuckem
yellowdoggranny, at
10:30 p.m.
I must echo JackieSue...."stupidity offends me". It's take a shitload to offend me. Blonde jokes don't bother me. Lazy housewife jokes don't either. I am what I am and I don't give a shit what anyone else thinks.
Anonymous, at
6:28 a.m.
"You can't spell for shit" doesn't offend me either.
"IT" not "IT'S"....duh.
Anonymous, at
6:34 a.m.
Haha, ain't that the truth Denise.. It has taken me a long time to get to the point where I can just say fuck'em.
Donna, at
11:48 a.m.
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