My people; we are without Bungholes...
Do ya all remember Daria? She started on Beavis & Butthead, then later had her own show?Well everytime I walk into the bathroom and I see my Pantene shampoo bottle I start snickering and giggling like a lil kid. Why? Well on the bottle it says in Spanish "Hidratacion Diaria" (Daily Moisture Renewal). So what do you think pops into my mind every single time I see it?
I clearly hear the voice of Beavis & Butthead saying "Huh huh uhh hu huh Diarrhea" whenever they see Daria. You would think a 24 year old married woman would have better things to do with her time than sitting around reminiscing and giggling over the awesome stupidity that is Beavis & Butthead, but NOPE, not me...the cornier, cheesier, and sillier the better, in my mind.
And now I leave you with this sparkly little gem.
Operator: "What's the emergency, sir? Is there an emergency, sir?"
Beavis: "Uh, yeah. Butt-Head's choking. On chicken."
Operator: "Listen carefully. Have you performed the Heimlich?"
Beavis: "Uh, is this like one of those 976 numbers? Uh, what are you wearing?"
Operator: "I repeat, have you Heimliched the victim?"
Beavis: "Have I licked his rectum? No way!"
7 comment(s):
I miss Beavis and Butthead. I loved that show.
The Radical Notion , at
9:50 a.m.
I LOVE your blog header. Wish mine was more original.
C. H. Green, at
10:21 a.m.
T, It's still on Mtv2 I think..just not sure when. Funny thing is..I used to catch up on all my overdue homework while watching the B&B all night marathons on mtv.
CH, it's actually a free template..but it caught my eye and here it is. Thanks for stopping by.
Donna, at
10:40 a.m.
Beavis and Butthead!! Loved that show! Of course, I was stoned most the time back then when it was new. I still appreciate it's greatness though.
Yes, you must do the happy dance on the trailer with the cats!!
Cassandra, at
12:03 p.m.
when i first moved back to west over 11 years ago i got cable and they didnt have mtv..i raised such hell that the added it to our pitch was...i need my bevis and butthead...and i was referred to as grandma butthead...
yellowdoggranny, at
3:07 p.m.
I miss beavis and butthead.
They could have been as
longrunning and sucessful
as the simpsons.They made
you like stupid people,
cause in real life they're
hard to like.
Michele, at
4:51 p.m.
Every now and again I catch them on my sbs tv station. I like daria, still see that often.
Heh...Oh I have dealt with one. Not looking forward to having to “function” in it. Not in the least. eek. Snow is pretty until you have to go to work in it/with it.
The LFB loved and laughed at our winter in the sticks. Shorts during the day...but still cold enough at night.
apositivepessimist, at
11:42 p.m.
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