Rain Rain Go Away!!!
Yeah, this rain and cold weather crap is getting me down! I want to sit outside..in shorts and t shirt, cold beer in hand being nosy watching the comings and goings of others..hahaha. Instead I am stuck inside, with the heat on, wearing long pants..ARGGHH it's indecent I tell you, a complete crime! I need fresh DRY air and sunshine.I'm also sitting here wishing that I could put my spider plants at eye level because they are so pretty, but no... Mr. Stoner Kitty likes to eat them and trip out. Fuckin' hell aye! The two older cats don't eat 'em...but Taz just has to munch on every beautiful green, juicy leaf like it's going out of style...growl! Wish I could get my kicks from chewing on a spider plant leaf...be a cheap buzz hahahaha! Well since this weather isn't going to clear up, I might as well go crawl under a blanket and nap and watch tv.
4 comment(s):
maybe the kitties are on to something...go chew a leaf then come tell me.
apositivepessimist, at
7:28 p.m.
It's been sunny and pleasant here in LA all month... oh, was that mean? ;-)
Geeky Dragon Girl, at
11:03 p.m.
It might have the same effects
as catnip does.That's one cool
cat.I agree with ap eat a leaf
and let me know.LOL
Michele, at
12:55 p.m.
Aww....I'm sorry that the weather sucks there. It's lovely here! I may go work on my tan today if I find the hammock I'm looking for at Target today. hehehe
Anonymous, at
6:18 p.m.
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