I Can Hardly Wait!!
So, I found out Saturday that Shida is coming to visit and it's only been two days, but it feels like a fucking week already! You mean after today I've still got three days to go? WAAAHHH I want today to be Thursday already dammit!We had to go to Hell-Mart again this weekend for a few things from the grocery section. This time I didn't get all confused and disoriented..maybe because I wasn't tired and not already stressed out to begin with. So fuck you Hell-Mart, I won this time, you didn't..neener neener neener.
Soo three days until...

The Fun Starts!
4 comment(s):
Why am I hearing the song "Breaking the Law" in my mind? LOL Have fun!!!!
Anonymous, at
9:48 a.m.
that's funny ...i'm hearing the song'girls just want to have fu un'....
i would rather have my left lung removed with a fork than go to wal-mart..i call it the home of satan...shudder...
yellowdoggranny, at
11:14 a.m.
Donna, I know you have a Meijer not too far from you. Give Hell-Mart the boot. Sam Walton't family is rich enough now. Plus, they are a major employment law offender. . . Besides, Meijer has better stuff. . .
I'll keep my eyes open for the mushroom cloud on the southern horizon Thursday. . . Thelma and Louise, meet Dork and Shida. . . . BE AFRAID!!! BE VERY AFRAID!!!! LOL!!
Lauren, at
6:32 p.m.
If you were on this side of the pond...just think you'd be one day closer.
Ohhh yer gunna have TOPS fun girl aye.
apositivepessimist, at
10:00 p.m.
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