My Newest Tenant & Vampire Kitty pic
I would like to welcome The Useless Men from Useless Advice from Useless Men. I swear this has to be the funniest advice blog out there.I was a day late in introducing them, so I feel that I need to BEG people go click on the thumbnail in my sidebar, or click HERE right now!
Believe me, You won't be disappointed, so go see the Useless Men!
Also, here is a picture of Taz..this one is titled Psycho Vampire Kitty. I tired him out by having him running around and jumping after the feather stick. He started panting like a pooch, and it looked quite enjoy.

4 comment(s): about looking like a demon like he's ready to lunge for your throat..hahah
nice kitty...nice kitty...
yellowdoggranny, at
12:43 p.m.
Ahhh... pretty kitty! I should get out the laser light pen for mine tonight. Peaches goes psycho kitty for it.
Cassandra, at
4:47 p.m.
Hey Dorki I noticed you have been tagged with the “profanity’ mark on your blog in the BOTB’s how’d you do that...I need that same disclaimer.
heeelp meeee. I’ll go visit yer tenet if’n you dooo.
Now that cat looks evil. I like it.
apositivepessimist, at
7:08 a.m.
That is a great picture!!! Taz does look like a psycho vampire kitty. . . You should get him a little kitty chainsaw. . . .
Lauren, at
8:00 p.m.
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