Monday yabberin'
I had a whole post typed up last night..but it seemed whiny and all that, so I didn't feel like posting it afterall.I was just watching something on Good Morning America..the Mayor of San Francisco was on, and I gotta say.. I liked what he said. I can't remember word for word, and right this moment I cannot find anything online.
Basically he said that he doesn't think the constitutional amendment on same sex marriage will go through. He brought up that until 1967 even interracial marriages were not allowed, but, this country got past that.
I know that there are a lot of people who are opposed to same sex marriages, but come on..really what does it matter if two consenting adults want to get married...who is it hurting? Nobody! I'm all for same sex marriages.
I was lucky enough to attend a friends wedding in 2004. P. and M. are two of the nicest men that you could know in this world. Always there to lend a hand, always involved in the community..just down to earth good people. Why do people believe that it's so wrong that they wanted to share something special between them, and to do it legally?
I myself, really don't think that the constitutional amendment will happen. It's a pipe dream for closed minded, self righteous, bigots.
So my friends out there of the GLBT community...never give up hope....all that can happen is the right direction.
6 comment(s):
This kind of stuff pisses me off! The government needs to stay out of people's personal lives!
Unknown, at
9:21 a.m.
That's what I say. And Mr. Bush needs to keep religion and his personal beliefs out of politics altogether. Since when did the majority become the minority?
Donna, at
9:43 a.m.
I agree, if two men or women want to get married to each other, who is it hurting? The children? Our society? Bullshit. If two people love each other, no one should stand in their way of being together.
Johnny Wadd, at
8:53 p.m.
So true. The wedding I spoke about in my post was in Canada. Believe me when they allowed same sex marriages in Canada I was so happy. Heck my brother got married to his longtime partner in happy for them! Happy for the fact that they had the option to get married if they wanted to.
Donna, at
8:54 p.m.
First, thank you for the compliment about my home. That was so great.
When I went to Toronto almost two years ago, I was able to be myself in public without having to wonder if someone was going going to walk up and kick my ass at any moment. I can't do that here. That was the greatest 5 days of my life. . .
It shouldn't matter that I am trans. It shouldn't matter that two men or two women want to share their lives together. It's really pathetic that a very small group of closed-minded people can have this much influence.
Thanks for speaking out.
Lauren, at
9:25 p.m.
I tried to comment yesterday, but Blogger was being bad!
I agree. It's way past time to legalize same sex marriages. It's so unfair that people who have been together for years don't have the same rights as others because of their sexual orientation. Stupidity!!
Yes, I was slightly happy Matt won!!!! :)
Cassandra, at
7:08 a.m.
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