Saturday Evening Bullshit Spewing
I really doin't know why I'm typing here. I felt compelled to post. Seriously, I was thinking that the blog gods were going to get pissed off and send a tornado this way to wreck my trailer..hahaha.I've been suffering with a hangover from hell all freaking day...hell I even slept in til after 5 P.M. and I NEVER do that. I am not proud of myself from last night..I didn't do anything embarrassing, but I got into a little something that I shouldn't have and I'm feeling quite ashamed of myself for giving in, and doing something I promised myself I'd never do. But the way I feel today has totally turned me off anything like that ever again. Live and learn eh! Hell to be honest with you, I think feeling like a big steamy pile of crap has actually turned me off drinking for a long time as well.
I was reading a friends blog and she mentioned something about midgets. Ah it may not be PC to call them midgets, but I am not always a PC type of person. I think midgets are cute lil fuckers.. I swear! Not to mention that they're awesome because they don't let being little bring them down. They go on in life, live life how they want and don't let the rude ignorant people bring them down.
It feels hot as fuck in here right now. It's chilly outside, and I have the windows open, ceiling fans running...must be all the crap sweating out of me.
We're getting rid of the bees in the shed. We went to the brand new super walmart (super hell that is) last night and picked up some RAID foggers...set two off in the shed. Damn a bunch of them fuckers were totally dead when we got back after dinner. There's still some bees alive but we're going to set off the other two foggers tomorrow.
Hell they really must work because I was out on my back deck for over an hour earlier this evening and I only screeched once (them fuckers just like to fly AT your face y'know).
Speaking of our trip to walmart. I actually got lost in that damned place. It got so bad that I was worse than the Mr. He HATES shopping, but I could spent hours in a store just looking at stuff. Being lost in wal mart, well not lost but feeling all disoriented, confused and dumb made me so god damned cranky that I had to drag him out of there.
Funny part is..I don't get lost driving all over through Kentucky, Tennessee, and Indiana, but I get lost in a stupid walmart... oh the shame! I'll never live it down..hahaha!
Well I am now starting to feel a bit human. I drank a gatorade and almost a gallon of water since waking up. Now I have moved on to coffee. I never had a good hot glorious cup of coffee until now! It's like pure heaven in a mug! Good to the last drop. Now to go drink more and veg on the couch!
3 comment(s):
dont know what freaks me out more ...midges or walmart....
i refer to walmart as the home of satan...i have a panic attack just thinking about getting on I-35 to GO to walmart...icky poo
yellowdoggranny, at
1:23 a.m.
So, I'm not the only one who would like to watch a fridge take a jump off a 3rd floor balcony? Cool!
Hangovers suck and I can't stand Wal-mart either. I could get lost in there too. I stick to Super Target, slightly smaller and I know my way around it.
Cassandra, at
12:00 p.m.
Ah, the day after. Never fun. LOL
Ethel, at
10:09 p.m.
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