/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Just some silly shit.

Time flies!
I just now looked at the clock and realized it was after 4. Where the hell did today go to?
I only went back to bed this morning for about an hour...so obviously I didn't sleep the day away. It's creepy when I get in that zone where I feel like it's still 2 to 3 hours behind, thinking I've got the rest of the day to do things..then I look at the clock and realize that in fact 2 to 3 hours ahead of the time I thought it was. Blech!
So, I've been running around here trying to get stuff done, and I realized that I'd better post something before I forget about it.
In the forums I had gotten into a bit of a conversation about Cicada's. I mentioned that a lot of people mistake them for Locusts. Nah. They're not Locusts. Locusts look like a big grasshopper and they're not really all that neat. They eat crops! Was interesting because I had never seen a Cicada until last summer, let alone know what it was even.

So I caught a live Cicada last summer and I took some pictures of him. So here, to gross you out are the four pictures I took of the silly little creature.

2 comment(s):

if it crawls, creeps, bites, stings, or is spooky looking..it's been to texas...and i have met it..
aren't the colors beautiful...have you ever seen a praying mantis?,pill bug(or as we called them when we were kids..rolly polly bugs)doodle bug? they burrow in the dirt and their homes look like tornado funnels in reverse..im sure you've seen a crawdaddy...they are fun to watch and great to eat..

By Blogger yellowdoggranny, at 7:19 p.m.  

Those things are loud here in the summer. My cat likes to catch them on the balcony and then beg to be let in. She sits at the door with the damn bugs wings flapping outside her mouth. I don't think so kitty, kitty!

By Blogger Cassandra, at 8:19 p.m.  

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