/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Friday, December 22, 2006

You're a mean one....

Well apparently I do have a conscience after all.
I haven't posted since Tuesday or so, so there is some news. I went to see my old boss at the gas station (one of my favourite jobs actually) to see if he needs anyone to come work for him. He said yes, and explained it would be a mix of afternoon and day shifts. I told him that if he could guarantee me at least three shifts a week that I would come work there.
The managers in charge of scheduling at the coffee shop had cut me down to two nights a week, and I'm sorry that just doesn't cut it for me. First of all, I'm not making enough money to meet my expenses, let alone have a few extra bucks in my pocket, but it also royally fucks up my sleep pattern. I'll work one night, then be off three nights, just to work another. What it does to me is it gets me used to sleeping at night, then I have to totally flip my schedule about to be able to get some sleep during the day, just to go back to sleeping at night.
I used to be a night owl, but while I was in Ohio I got used to sleeping at nights, and now I just can't handle the over night shifts.
So yeah, the guy at the gas station has rehired me (oh for like the fourth time I think). He can give me three shifts, if not more per week, plus the place is closer to home so I'm not having to drive half an hour each way.

Today I went to pick up my pay at the coffee shop, and went in to talk to the managers. I told them I was quitting, and would work tonight, but then I'd be done. They were actually kinda nice about it so I started to feel bad. Halfway home I gave them a call and told them I'd work it out so that I'd be able to cover my next two shifts so that they wouldn't be stuck. See there was a point to me talking about having a conscience.
I guess I can be quite the asshole sometimes. I'll get a bug up my ass and do things for stupid reasons. Then I'll feel bad about it after the fact. Ugh! One of these things is just up and quitting a job with no notice, sometimes for no reason other than I hate the place at that moment and I want out. I've worked at the coffee shop for two months, and I'm still learning, but they have not once bitched about me not having everything completely done on time. For example, if I don't get around to cleaning all the glass on the display cases, they won't come breathing fire on me. Not once have they been assholes to me, so I felt it was quite unnecessary to be a total asshole to them, so therefore I am going to go into work tonight, and I will work my two shifts next weekend, then I'll be done. I'll even return their stupid looking uniforms.

Oh yeah, my mouth is feeling much better. A lot of the swelling has gone down, and I was even able to go out for lunch today. I've also downgraded myself to over the counter painkillers. Yay.
Have a good weekend, and if I don't get around to posting this weekend then Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment(s):

A 30 minute drive for two shifts a week?? I'd have told them to pound sand and never looked back. . .

Glad to hear your mouth is feeleing better. Dental work SUCKS!!

Hope you have a happy holiday. Slam a Bud or three for mee too. . . LOL!!

Love ya!!


By Blogger Lauren, at 8:27 p.m.  

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