/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Congratulations..It's a Rant!

Damned mosquito bites!
They used to be a regular, as in every time I stepped out the door occurence for me when I lived in Canada. Then I moved here. Last summer the city had trucks that drove around spraying for mosquitoes, and not once did I get bitten by one of those evil bloodsuckers last summer...not one fuckin' time.

This year they have yet to start spraying..if they are going to do it at all, and within the last three days I must have been bitten by the lil' buzzing bastards at least ten times. It sucks. I just cannot NOT scratch. The itch drives me near insanity, and I end up scratching until the skin around it is raw and sore...and STILL ITCHY.

I think I may have finally started to come out of the slump I've been in. I just haven't felt like doing a single damned thing. I would have to sit here and talk myself into getting up and doing a load of laundry, or to clean the floors, so I kinda let some things go.
Yesterday I finished up laundry, vaccumed every single carpet and rug in this place, started cleaning up and organizing the bedroom..I felt good. It felt good to get something accomplished instead of sitting on my fat ass obsessing over things I just can't change, or beating myself up over things I could have changed or didn't. When I get like that..I just withdraw into myself, and become lazy so that I don't have to face reality.

I'm also stressing out about my mother. I just found out that she needs to go on oxygen, and have some type of breathing machine attached to her at night while she sleeps. The doctor has advised her to just take it easy, don't do any type of work etc. She tried to contact Canada Pension, and Ontario Disability, but because my dad is retired and recieving his pension, my mother is ineligible for pension or disability benefits. WTF. My dad's pension is fucking peanuts, He cannot support both himself, my mother, and pay for all her medical stuff that isn't covered under Canada's (not so fucking great afterall) healthcare system.
What's scaring me so bad about this is it is driving her nuts, she is the type that when she feels that she's lost out, lost all hope, she WOULD take her own life. I'm so scared for my mother, for my parents..just the whole situation sucks.

She has worked all her life, and deductions from her paychecks always went to Canada Pension, YET she is ineligible? She's 58 years old..yeah she's not an old lady, but with her health problems she cannot just go out and take any damned job. I am so pissed off with the way things work.

Yeah of course, that stupid twat down the road admits she doesn't want to work, and keeps popping out kid after kid so that welfare will give her $1500+ a month (they don't do the food stamp thing up there), while my mom can't get any help at all. Makes me very afraid to get old..not because of my body breaking down...but the way things are in North America these days, it sucks to be elderly unless you are rich, but then if you're rich, you really don't give a shit about common, every day, hardworking people. Bleh!

I didn't mean to go on a rant about this..but damn. I just don't understand how/why the hardworking people get shit on, and the lazy fucks who expect everything, get everything.

5 comment(s):

You have every reason to rant. It doesn't make any sense, does it?
I'm sorry about your mom. I hope something works out for her. Damn, it just sucks Donna.

By Blogger Cassandra, at 1:07 p.m.  

alas it seems to be that way the world over...gets tiring watching my taxes be given to the slags to raise their numerous kids who in turn will no doubt be given other peoples taxes to raise theirs.

if a percentage of my taxes paid was put aside to look after me in my old age I wouldn't mind so much but hell when I am of the age there will be no such thing as the aged pension.

hopefully something will work out for your mum Dorki.

By Blogger apositivepessimist, at 8:06 p.m.  

Sorry to hear your Mom isn't doing well. Just making sure she knows she is loved is a huge boost. Tell her often.

Yes, the slackers seems to get the most from the dole. It pisses me off no end to see my tax dollars going to people who feel they are owed something.

As for thwm skeeters, take a 1000 mg garlic tab every day. They'll leave you alone after about a week. It also does wonders for your Choleterol levels. And no, you won't smell like garlic. . . Trust me on this. . .

Love ya!!!

By Blogger Lauren, at 10:41 p.m.  

oh man..that sucks...i for some reason thought the canadians had this great health program...sounds like it's as crappy as what we have..which is nothing..hope everything works out ok. do you have sister/brother that can either move in with them and help, or they can move in with sis/brother?...i know how hard it is..im 62 have my'widows benefits which is $719 a month...if i lived anywhere but west, texas i would be royally fucked...still not perfect at that...

By Blogger yellowdoggranny, at 5:13 a.m.  

I once lived in the mosquito capital of the world, Winnipeg Manitoba Canada. They are incredibly bad there...all summmer long city trucks fog the neighborhoods.

By Blogger Johnny Wadd, at 12:46 p.m.  

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