/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Monday, August 28, 2006

Little bit of this, Little bit of that!

Ahh it's so fucking nice today...it's raining, but it's still nice. Only getting up to and staying at 71...beautiful, just fucking beautiful.

Only two more days until I'm headed for N.C., and I've got nothing packed, nothing ready at all for the trip. See, I'm the Queen Procrastinator in everything. The button fell off my favorite shorts, and I can't fix it. It's like the buttons on jeans, so there's no holes in the button, and I'm stupid when it comes to sewing and the like. Yeah, my favorite shorts...I'm pissed! Aw well, short of throwing a fit over it, what can I do? Really though, I can still wear them without the button. I realized that the zipper sorta locks up when you pull it up tight and flip the little thingamajig down, and it stays in place, so maybe I don't need to throw a fit afterall..but throwing fits is so much fun.

Well, remember all the stuff I bought for my turtle? Turns out that I just pretty much wasted 60 bucks. I did some research, and found out what kind of turtle he is. He's a Loggerhead Musk Turtle, and I actually need a big 150 gallon tank for him. There is no way I'm going to buy a HUGE ass glass tank..because I know that either I'd break it, or something else would happen to it.
On the Happy Turtle Pub forum I joined up at, they have a section of budget housing for turtles. All I need are one of those GINORMOUS rubbermaid tote containers, modify it, get a filter, put in a basking area, and then get a heat/sun lamp and I'm good to go.

I feel so bad now because the people who had this turtle before me kept him in this shitty little 10 gallon tank for about 12-13 years. Now my problem is this. He's lived in a small tank his whole life, so if I move him into the equivalent of a turtles paradise will it stress him out, or do you think he'd appreciate the extra space and all that goes with it?

Oh yeah Jane, I've been trying to comment over there all day, but your comments never let me in.

4 comment(s):

No clue if that will stress it out. Maybe you could give it to a pet store...if you don't want to mess with it anymore. Dunno.

BYW...did you ever get snail mail from me?

By Anonymous Anonymous, at 6:17 p.m.  

Actually, being in a tank too small is a major stresser, since it keeps him from growing. Loggerheads get quite large in the wild, based on my limited knowledge of turtles.

Give the little guy a treat and set him up in place big enough to roam. . . He'll love it!!

BTW: I had trouble posting over @ Jane's blog too. . . I wound up double posting. . .

Aint this cooler weather great???


By Blogger Lauren, at 8:32 p.m.  

i think logger heads are like alagators they grow to their enviroment...small cage small gator...small tank small turtle..not povitive but think so..
i had trouble commenting on jane's blog too...finally got in the next day..

hey goofy..go to walmart.take your button..go to material sewing section and find little packages of buttons..find one the same size that you have and matches and take it home and sew it on....

we got rain..we got rain...i b happy

By Blogger yellowdoggranny, at 9:30 p.m.  

I had problems with comments on other blogs earlier today.
I can't sew worth a crap either.
I think turtle with love the extra space. But I'm no turtle specialist.
Oooo... where you going in NC?

By Blogger Cassandra, at 10:38 p.m.  

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