/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Monday, August 14, 2006

Why do Mondays


I swear, I woke up and the day just started sucking bigtime. The husband aka He Who Thinks his Shit Don't Stink got up at 7:20 a.m., and started a fuckin fuss. I had been up since 4:30. Yeah I hate waking up anywhere between 4 and 6, because when 6 rolls around and my alarm clock goes off, I always end up turning it off and falling back to sleep instantly. I hate that.

So yeah about the man. He gets up, all belligerent because I didn't get him up early enough. WHATEVER buddy! I had been repeatedly trying to wake his ass (and the rest of him as well) up every 5-10 minutes since 6:30.
So we get into a huge argument...He's about to leave... I refused to speak to him, give him a kiss or anything, but then I felt bad to keep the shitstorm going. Believe me..if it was something actually worth fighting over I'd have kept it up. I'm not one of those shrinking down in the corner, bawling like a baby sissy girls. Never have been, never will. Though I do know when to keep going, or if it's just worth more to just cut it out right then and there.

So we kissed and made up, and he went off to work.
Yeah I was still mad as a bull. I'm thinking.. Here I am, getting up at 6 every morning to make sure he doesn't sleep in. I don't have to do it, but I certainly don't feel like laying in bed trying to sleep and the alarm going off in my friggin ear (he either doesn't hear it, or chooses not to).. so I just get up, make my coffee and then wake the bear from hibernation. It's just so much easier that way.
But yeah, my point is...that I'm nice enough to do that for him, get him up, make his lunch and all....and he either A) Can't get up when I get up, or soon after, or B) Not be such an ass when he does finally get up 45 minutes later than he needs to.

He called me about an hour after getting to work and we just chit chatted..but by then I had calmed down almost completely and was fine.

The rest of the day didn't really suck any less though. It was nice and cool outside, but this place holds the heat...so in between playing on the computer I was cleaning the house and I HATE sweating. It just feels so yucky.
The heat in turn put me to sleep, and I woke up even sweatier....GRRR!

Sooo...now that everything from dinner is all cleaned up, and all that fun shit, it's time for me to go sit in front of the tv and just chill with He Who Has Made it Back into My Good Books!

3 comment(s):

Oh Dear Girl. . . You are MUCH too nice. . . It's not your job to make sure he's up. . .

Poke him in the ribs twice in 15 minutes and then dump a large glass of ice water on his Johnson. . . Trust me, you won't have to do it twice. His hearing will improve instantly!

My ex was terrible about waking up. . . until the ice-box treatment. . . She was going to kill me at the time, but she finally got it!! LOL!!

Yes, I'm divorced. . . What's your point??? LOL!!!


By Blogger Lauren, at 10:03 p.m.  

im with lauren (i usually am)...you are not an alarm clock..and if you have been tell him to get a new one..one that is loud enough to wake his ass up..as it aint your job...who would get him up if you weren't there??? i used to pull that crap when i was a kid with my daddy..one morning after about 15 minutes of trying to get me up.he threw cold water on me...you can bet your ass, he could stand on the street corner and whisper my name and i was up and at em...ha

By Blogger yellowdoggranny, at 11:21 p.m.  

hehehe... I am Queen of the snooze button! I pissed off many ex's with that shit. I actually set my alarm at least an hour before I need to get up so I can hit snooze for an hour. Some of us are just grumpy in the am and I'm one of them! But ya, he doesn't need to take it out on you.

By Blogger Cassandra, at 12:29 a.m.  

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