/*Butterflies Are Free - By Elyse Author URL: www.estudiodesigns.com*/

Friday, September 08, 2006

Dooood spark 'er up!

It's nice to be home!
I've been back since late late Wednesday night. I've been spending time at the cottage with friends, now I'm hangin out at Shida's place.

It's so weird being back here..even after only a year and a half of being in the states, nothing is familiar to me around here anymore. It's almost like I'm discovering a new place after having deja vu.
I was going to spend last night at my parents place, but I chose not to afterall. On home turf my mother has the ability to treat me like a 14 year old and get mad when I bring up the fact that I don't need her to direct my life. Ugh I hate that.
My plan right now is to spend a week or two doing sweet fuck all. I'm just going to visit friends and family. My brother is dying to see me. He got royally pissed off (and he can be a royal bitch when provoked) that I wasn't coming to spend the weekend with them in Toronto. So I'm going to be going there next weekend.
Oh ok, my point that I was trying to make is that once I get done with the visits and all that I'm going north to look for work. Rent is cheaper up there, the scenery is nicer. Lots of rock, lakes, rivers, and woods. My kinda place.
I love my family and all, but I'm finding that I just want to go away and live by myself for a while. Some place I can decorate to my tastes, a place where I can leave my clean home in the morning and come home to a clean place without stupid empty beer cans all over the place.

Each day I'm feeling better about the whole situation. I don't hate him. I'm way far from perfect, and I will admit that I had a feeling that things weren't going to work out, that something was going to happen. I'm just so completely pissed that I didn't leave sooner. I'm pissed that he went behind my back and did what he did, instead of just telling me he was unhappy and wanted to get out of it. I guess he figured that he could have a good wife at home, and go get his cheap thrills elsewhere, and I'd be none the wiser.

I do know that I am the better person in this. I had my eyes open going into it, and ending it my eyes were so open I was bug eyed!

I'd better quit typing here. Shida had to go pick some stuff up at the store, so I figured I'd use the computer for a bit. Gonna be a fun weekend!
I hope everyone has a good weekend, and soon enough I'll be able to make my rounds through bloglines or my blogroll to see what everyone else is up to.

3 comment(s):

Glad that yer arrived safely.

This is the first time that I have ever lived [mainly] by myself, even tho I miss the LFB like anything [especially the damn sex] I also have to admit I love living by myself. Mind you I wouldn't mind having a coffee-n-dinner-bitch...hmmm wonder if I can rent someone to do just those things.

onya for feeling better as each day passes dorki.


By Blogger apositivepessimist, at 8:47 p.m.  

i think you are terrific..and you make me proud...you are woman...lets hear you roar.....welcome to the world ....

By Blogger yellowdoggranny, at 10:31 p.m.  

I love living by myself. My place, my stuff, my rules. It rocks.

Don't worry about catching up with us. Do what you need to do for you. We'll still be here!

By Blogger Cassandra, at 10:40 p.m.  

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